Friday 20 November 2009


Hello everyone!
How can the concept of “tinkering school” be applied to Chilean public classrooms?

First of all, I want to say I really liked this Gever Tulley’s video. I think he has a very good point of view about teaching, specifically in an interesting and new way. I never though or imagined that teachers could do their classes very active where students participate and make the class more than teachers. It really pays my attention and of course I would like to teach like him.
Unfortunately, I believe that this “Tinkering school” applied to Chilean public classrooms is kind of complicated nowadays because we are not prepared to use this method yet. It is a process in which teachers have to change their mind, learn and take classes to use this interesting and amazing way where students are one hundred percent participating in class and using their imagination to produce something.
I thing if we apply this concept to our Chilean public classrooms, students are going to be more interest to learn, schools are going to be well saw, and public schools are going to change drastically in a positive way. I think that now in the present, students have to be the focus in the classroom. For that reason, I believe that taking and applying tinkering school, learning process is going to improve a lot. I like the idea to use dangerous thing because in our life our environment, we are espouse to that, therefore, we have to be able to deal with that, we have to learn how to use it, etc.

Friday 13 November 2009


During my reading, I remember last Language lesson in which we had to listen and recognize what sound we heard. To be honest, I really enjoyed that class and I believe that all of us were interest too. Therefore, after have read this article, I realize we can be able to use different kind of activities in class to make the process of learning more dynamic, creative, different, and things like that.
That is why, something that really got my attention in this article was the Lesson plan “A child’s day”: Cambodia in which students can realize the life of those children from this place to compare or find similitude with their life. It help us to know and learn more about culture, better if we learn it through listening, showing some information about those children from Cambodia, where the place is located, etc. For that reason, I would like to make this kind of activities in the classroom using technology that we have in our hands nowadays to be like a modern teacher who enjoys that their students can learn through this medium.
So, as future teacher, I would like to use for example, the activity we did on page 151 (Straightforward) in which we had to create a short story with the sound mentioned in the book because we have to create a nice stories. Other activity could be, let students to write or draw in which they can show us what they heard during the listening, what they heard about life, real and cruel experience, etc. This activity plus to improve our listening skill, it helps us to present and show students about little story of some place and some cultures present in the world.
sense:a natural appreciation or ability
visual skills:ways of seeing
background noise:extraneous noise contaminating sound
whisper:speak softly
rhythm: time, manner of speaking

Tuesday 27 October 2009

Critical Thinking

Hi Everybody,
I’m going to talk about Barbara and Francisca’s presentation. They talked on a Pink Floyd’s song called “Another brick in the wall” which talks about how the education were during 70-80’s decades. In which they showed us the meaning of the lyric, the main problems of education in those year, especially from teachers like repression and control to their students, frustration, bullying, etc. Also, they give us their point of view about education and what the though about the bad way in which teachers acted those years.
Plus, they showed us that we can make the different working at school in which teachers respect their students, accept their opinion, and so forth because those thoughts would be a good way to improve the relationship that teachers have with their students. That’s why they made us some questions to think about.
To be honest, I liked this presentation because they wanted to show us how the school’s life is

Some questions,
Nowadays, why is important to respect each other in class?

In which way can we change the way in which we teach?

Do you think students need to have someone in this case a teacher concern for them?

Saturday 19 September 2009


Divine mother

I was wandering the street with my mind in blank

Glancing at mum taking care of her little daughter to cross the avenue

Suddenly I remember my mum doing the same

I could not stop the rain in my face

Remember that mothers give the life for us.

I was wandering slowly around the park

Gazing at younger couple

Smiling and floating on their own world

They looked like just the only human being in the earth

This made me believe that yet love exit

When you though there’s no way to find it again.

Wednesday 26 August 2009

I absolutely agree with Richard's message. Success is a continuo journey in which we have to give our best effort to improve and to be as we wish. As said Richard, success can spend many times, not just a little time. For that reason, I think that in many classroom children are not interests because they hope to receive all the things immediately. In the other hand, teachers are not motivating students, therefore they are not motivated to reach their dreams, getting success or improve their life. In the case of my work experiences, students are being motivated for their English’s teacher who invited them to be active in class working, playing, asking, etc. They can feel supported by their teacher. Therefore, they feel motivated to participate. Why? Because they are focus on that, they word hard to improve, they feel comfortable.

Friday 14 August 2009

Personal Success

I do not know if I have had many successes in my life. However, one of my biggest successes was in the high school, getting the best average of the school.
Since I was a child, I have always dreamt to achieve my aim and in this case, it comes true. It makes me feel very well and of course my family felt the same.
They always said my, “if I work hard; I will get on my life the entire thing that I want.” For that reason, I make my best effort to improve and get a bright future in my life.
Other success that I have had good memories, it was when I was in eighth grade.
During this year, I played with my partners one of my favourite deport “basketball”, for a race, in which we got the gold medalist, something that I have never thought that we were going to win because our competitors were very good. Nevertheless, it made us to understand that making our best effort and working in groups; we could reach thing amazing like this, have won this race and being recognized for our school.
Well, these successes have been my major personal success during my short life. I hope to have more successes in my life and to be happy as you. :)