Wednesday 26 August 2009

I absolutely agree with Richard's message. Success is a continuo journey in which we have to give our best effort to improve and to be as we wish. As said Richard, success can spend many times, not just a little time. For that reason, I think that in many classroom children are not interests because they hope to receive all the things immediately. In the other hand, teachers are not motivating students, therefore they are not motivated to reach their dreams, getting success or improve their life. In the case of my work experiences, students are being motivated for their English’s teacher who invited them to be active in class working, playing, asking, etc. They can feel supported by their teacher. Therefore, they feel motivated to participate. Why? Because they are focus on that, they word hard to improve, they feel comfortable.


  1. Hi Nathalie
    It is a good point of view, also i agree with what you wrote about students, that they are not motivated with have a long successful because they want to have the thing at the momento. That´s why they maybe have a completely different definition or perseption of what is being successful and they prefer material thing.

    take care

  2. I agree with you, if you are not focused on what you want, then I think you are wasting your time...
    see you!!
