Friday 13 November 2009


During my reading, I remember last Language lesson in which we had to listen and recognize what sound we heard. To be honest, I really enjoyed that class and I believe that all of us were interest too. Therefore, after have read this article, I realize we can be able to use different kind of activities in class to make the process of learning more dynamic, creative, different, and things like that.
That is why, something that really got my attention in this article was the Lesson plan “A child’s day”: Cambodia in which students can realize the life of those children from this place to compare or find similitude with their life. It help us to know and learn more about culture, better if we learn it through listening, showing some information about those children from Cambodia, where the place is located, etc. For that reason, I would like to make this kind of activities in the classroom using technology that we have in our hands nowadays to be like a modern teacher who enjoys that their students can learn through this medium.
So, as future teacher, I would like to use for example, the activity we did on page 151 (Straightforward) in which we had to create a short story with the sound mentioned in the book because we have to create a nice stories. Other activity could be, let students to write or draw in which they can show us what they heard during the listening, what they heard about life, real and cruel experience, etc. This activity plus to improve our listening skill, it helps us to present and show students about little story of some place and some cultures present in the world.
sense:a natural appreciation or ability
visual skills:ways of seeing
background noise:extraneous noise contaminating sound
whisper:speak softly
rhythm: time, manner of speaking

1 comment:

  1. Interesting naty!
    I love sounds!
    I think that the best way to learn is listenig sound, yo transport yoursel to other place. That's helpfull when you want to open the "eye mind"
