Friday 20 November 2009


Hello everyone!
How can the concept of “tinkering school” be applied to Chilean public classrooms?

First of all, I want to say I really liked this Gever Tulley’s video. I think he has a very good point of view about teaching, specifically in an interesting and new way. I never though or imagined that teachers could do their classes very active where students participate and make the class more than teachers. It really pays my attention and of course I would like to teach like him.
Unfortunately, I believe that this “Tinkering school” applied to Chilean public classrooms is kind of complicated nowadays because we are not prepared to use this method yet. It is a process in which teachers have to change their mind, learn and take classes to use this interesting and amazing way where students are one hundred percent participating in class and using their imagination to produce something.
I thing if we apply this concept to our Chilean public classrooms, students are going to be more interest to learn, schools are going to be well saw, and public schools are going to change drastically in a positive way. I think that now in the present, students have to be the focus in the classroom. For that reason, I believe that taking and applying tinkering school, learning process is going to improve a lot. I like the idea to use dangerous thing because in our life our environment, we are espouse to that, therefore, we have to be able to deal with that, we have to learn how to use it, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hello everyone!
    How can the concept of “tinkering school” be applied to Chilean public classrooms?

    First of all, I want to say I really liked Gever Tulley’s video. I think he has a very good point of view about teaching, specifically in an interesting and new way. I never thought or imagined that teachers could do their classes very actively where students participate and do the class more than teachers. It really got my attention and, of course, I would like to teach like him.
    Unfortunately, I believe that this “Tinkering school” applied to Chilean public classrooms is kind of complicated nowadays because we are not prepared to use this method yet. It is a process in which teachers have to change their mind, learn and take classes to use this interesting and amazing way where students are one hundred percent participating in class and using their imagination to produce something.
    I thing if we apply this concept to our Chilean public classrooms, students are going to be more interested to learn. Schools are going to be well seen, and public schools are going to change drastically in a positive way. I think that now in the present, students have to be the focus in the classroom. For that reason, I believe that by taking and applying tinkering school, the learning process is going to improve a lot. I like the idea of using dangerous things because in our life, our environment, we are exposed to that. Therefore, we have to be able to deal with that. We have to learn how to use it, etc.
